Beyond Fitness: Zumba Sets Kids Up for Success

kids teamwork

Zumba first swept the nation when it was introduced back in the 1990’s, and with good reason. Who doesn’t mind sweating while you’re dancing to great music and just having fun versus working hard trying to burn calories? That was the attraction with Zumba Fitness from the start and its benefits were felt by many across the globe. To this day, it continues to be one of the top group fitness activities.

Zumba for Kids

Getting children moving and excited about fitness is a newer focus that’s already resulting in a declining obesity rate in kids and making physical activity a norm again. Recommendations of at least 60 minutes or more of physical activity for kids is the standard.

Zumba Kids classes are broken down into two sessions and designed specifically for children between the ages 4 through 11 and puts a spin on the original Zumba program of learning sequenced dance moves by adding in games and cultural exploration as well.

Beyond Physical Activity

The benefits of Zumba for children expand beyond just fitness however. At these early developmental ages, Zumba is an amazing tool for teaching kids organization, improving coordination, learning sportsmanship and so many other great things that can happen when kids are given a fun outlet like Zumba to become a part of.

kid activity

While kids are having fun dancing out their energy and making friends, their also using important social skills that will set them up for future success in the classroom and beyond. In addition, learning and remembering dance moves works on strengthening their memory as well as coordination skills. And the self-confidence and creativity that’s formed from an early age are crucial characteristics to carry into adulthood.

Having Fun is Most Important

In addition to the developmental and physical fitness side of Zumba, having fun and learning to be yourself are probably the most important skills learned in these classes – even for the younger participants.

Kids Zumba Classes in CT

At Cheshire Fitness Zone, that’s the focus with both Zumba for Kids and Zumba Jr. classes we’re now offering. Our instructor, Jessica Bella, who has been working with Cheshire Fitness Zone for almost a decade, is also a licensed Zumba instructor and leads the classes with an intention of seeing kids smile and reminding them that having fun with their peers and being confident is what’s most important.

If you’re in Connecticut and interested in getting your kids started with Zumba, we’d love to help! Classes are just starting so contact us today for more details!

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