Can Exercise Foam Rollers Help In Physical Therapy?

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Also referred to as frollers, foam rollers are important pieces of equipment that are used in physical therapy programs. They are commonly utilized in rehabilitation and exercise routines by different people in need as per advice from their physical therapists. They are used for different treatment purposes and have positive effects on a wide range of body ailments. Not only are foam rollers reasonably priced and easy to use, they are also well received by different kinds of patients. These excellent pieces of equipments are perfect where sports performance improvement is concerned.

Foam roller types

Foam rollers come in different sizes and shapes with the commonest being the 36 inch long, 6 inch round format. Half roll and short roll size and shape variations are common where foam rollers are concerned. The half roll types of rollers are used for not too advanced physical exercises that lead to the user slowly progressing to use the full roll. These rollers are so versatile that they find use even in Yoga. If you were to know more About Mindfulness and achieving it, you’d know that these kind of equipments are integral in yoga.

The low priced roller types are less dense and contain cells within the foam that easily crushes due to prolonged use, something that greatly lowers their effectiveness.  It is worthwhile to spend a little more money on high-density foam rollers as typically, these last much longer. If interested in a roller that doesn’t take a lot of space, or simply want something to take with you while on the road, it is recommended that you opt for travel rollers as these take less space in the car or suitcase.

Foam rollers for self myofascial release

The main reason people use foam rollers in exercise prescription is their massage-like effects. This technique is usually known as self myofascial release. To get the effects of massage, the user utilizes the foam roll together with own body weight by lying on the foam roll with the affected muscles being directly on top of the roll. Slow rolling movements over the target area are employed to effectively massage the affected muscles. If the user comes across a spot in this or her muscles that are particularly uncomfortable or stiff, then that particular area require to be specially and fully worked on.

By rolling over the tight points with the body weight while lying over the roller, your muscles are squeezed, something that which elongates the local muscle fibers, relaxing the whole area while at it. This results in autogenic inhibition, a physiological effect that relaxes the affected muscles. Regular massaging of the muscles with the correct type of roller foams effectively restores the imbalances in them.

Stretching and mobility

Regularly stretching the muscles help to improve and maintain their flexibility. Flexible muscles in turn are important when it comes to maintaining healthy joints for mobility purposes. A lot of physical exercises can be done with an appropriate foam roller to improve a muscle stretching routine. With a foam roller, you can be able to target specific rigid tissues and muscles.

A foam roller can be used to stretch and relax tight tissues and muscles in a number of different ways, and there on improving mobility. For specific foam roller exercise routines and that are aimed at addressing unique personal requirements, it is recommended that you visit a reputable physical therapist in Connecticut.

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