Fun, Easy, Summer Sensory Activities

summer sensory games

Hand Kite Craft

Children running in yard with hand kites

Summer calls for fun outdoor activities. You and your child can create a hand kite using three materials while encouraging free play and working on their gross motor and fine motor skills.   


  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • Rope (tie into a loop of any size) or a wooden ring

How to create your hand kite



Step 1: Cut your ribbon to your desired length (we did about two feet long) 

Step 2: Bend ribbon in half and pass it through your rope/wooden ring

Step 3: Take the two free ends of your ribbon and feed it through the loop that bending the ribbon created

Step 4: Tie the two free ends of ribbon together tightly to create a knot

Step 5:  Repeat these steps with as many colors/amount of ribbon as you please!

Cut your ribbon to desired length
Child creating a hand kite sensory activity.

Benefits of hand kites and sensory activities

Running, skipping, and watching the ribbons dance in the wind will help your child use their imagination while getting in their exercise this summer! Similarly, this toy encourages spontaneous play that comes from your kiddos natural curiosity while experiencing the world around them.  In addition, a added bonus is watching how proud they are of themselves!

Child running in yard with hand kite
Fun, Easy, Summer Sensory Activities

Not only is this a fun sensory activity, but it also helps your kiddo work on their gross motor and fine motor development! Gross motor is when you use your large muscle groups in movements such as running, skipping, and jumping.  Above all, it is important to be able to stay in control and to keep your balance during these movements.  Fine motor is when you use your small muscle groups, like your hands. An example of fine motor would be using scissors to cut or tying your shoes.  

Children running in yard with hand kites
Bending ribbon in half and pass it through ring


Look how fun hand kites can be!

Child running in yard with hand kite
Child running with hand kite
  In conclusion, sensory activities are a great way to learn when it only feels like play!
Smiling girl creating hand kite

Make one today!

Children running in yard with hand kites

If you’re noticing room for improvement in either gross motor or fine motor skills contact us to set up an evaluation!

Picture of Hannah Murphy

Hannah Murphy

Hannah attended Eastern Connecticut State University and has been with Cheshire Fitness Zone since the end of 2020. In her spare time Hannah enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling to new places, and hiking!

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