Who Is At Risk Of Having Shin Splints?

young boy playing with toys in ball pit

Shin splints, otherwise known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) in the world of physical therapy, are familiar conditions to people who are involved in sports. The pain accompanying this condition can be throbbing as it is felt inside the shin whenever they exercise. Get to know more about who is at risk of developing such a condition in this post!


As mentioned earlier, shin splint is a familiar term in the world of sports. That being said, athletes are definitely at a higher risk of encountering this condition. It can result from the usual to extraordinary athletic activities they get involved in. This can stop them from enjoying their favorite sport when left unattended.

People who have increased their physical activity

Physical activity involves a lot of things from carrying chairs and other things as part of household chores to carrying increased amounts of weights in a gym as part of one’s daily regimen. When you feel pain in the inside portion of your shin during the course of an increased physical activity, then you are most likely in the so-called acute phase of MTSS. The pain can actually be felt too even during your activity’s early phase and will eventually decrease once you undergo exercise activities more often than usual.

Persons with high BMI

Body Mass Index or BMI is a measurement of your body’s fat basing on your height and weight. When your BMI is too high or is above normal, then chances are you will experience shin splints from time to time. Lowering your BMI through diet and exercise or through recommendations of your nutritionist or therapist will help overcome chances of exposure to this condition.

The fairer sex

Believe it or not, women are more prone to having shin splints than men. This has been a subject of many studies in the past. It has to be noted, however, that while women are more prone to shin splints, it cannot be denied that men do experience the same problem too.

People who have a history of MTSS

When you have been exposed to this condition in the past, it is more likely that it will haunt you again in the future. With this in mind, you have to make sure that you have sought therapy the first time you have already encountered it.

People who have fewer running experiences

Have you ever heard of people complaining about the pain they feel when it is their first time to run? This is already a common scenario to many and only a few may recognize that what they are actually experiencing at the moment is a shin splint. You may encounter the same experience too if you have only been running for quite some time now.


There are also other groups of individuals that may also be prone to shin splints. The list of those who are at risk includes individuals who are flat-footed and those who have previously used an orthotics. It can also be a plight for males who have experienced an increase in hip external rotation.

If you are at risk or are already experiencing shin splints at the moment, make sure that you undergo physical therapy under a skilful therapist. Your condition can be improved in no time if you work with an experienced physical therapist.

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