Can Aquatic Therapy Be Used To Help Ease Chronic Joint Pain?

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Chronic pain and muscle stiffness are common issues with most adults, old or young. The more the pain, the more people are unwilling to do even the simplest of exercise activities that are meant to exacerbate the issue. A good exercise program can help alleviate most of the stiffness and pain. The fear of tripping and falling while exercising leave many of these people unwilling to attempt any fitness programs. This is where aquatic therapy comes in rescue. But before we get started, what is aquatic therapy? Well, it is form of physical exercises that is done while in a pool on any dysfunctional body part. These exercises are more beneficial compared to the conventional land therapy as we know them.

What are some of the benefits of aquatic therapy?

The main benefits include a feeling of warmth to the joints at the right temperature, resistance, buoyancy and compression. This form of a physical therapy is helpful when it comes to easing joint pain related to chronic pain, for instance arthritic pain. Water pressure is also known to help move fluid from the injured or swelled area back into the body, relieving pain while at it. One can get a masseur to massage them with oil from a CBD Shop before venturing into the water, for CBD has a lot of benefits (you can Learn more about these benefits here). Warm water in particular is a good pain reliever and is regularly used to reduce muscle spasms, lessening pain by movements buffering.

Water buoyancy is used to decrease pressure on the joints and the spine, while contributing to a faster overall rehabilitation progress. By utilizing the resistance of water rather than dead weights, you will be increasing the joints range of motion, strengthening the muscles while at it. So for improved muscle circulation and relaxation, you may also want to opt for this form of a physical therapy.

Balance exercises can be done in water helping the patient to regain his balance functions. For instance, an individual with balance issues while standing with one leg can greatly benefit by attempting the same task in a pool full of water. To regain full balance, a workout program can be developed to help his muscles to become accustomed to his unnatural standing position.

Specific muscles can be exercised in a swimming pool. If there are specific muscles in your body that needs strengthening or developing, a good physical therapist can help you develop a workable plan to meet your personal needs.

Last but not the least, this form of therapy is low risk in that chances of tripping and falling are greatly minimized. As the pool offers the safety and support of keeping the patient upright, chances of injured individuals further injuring themselves are greatly minimized. Better still, water offers the benefit of patients moving at their own speed and at their own comfortable pace while exercising their muscles.

Which are some of the conditions that can benefit from aquatic therapy?

Aquatic physical therapy is an ideal exercise option for a number of conditions. These include:

• Spinal cord injuries

• Arthritic pain

• Musculoskeletal disorders

• Stroke and brain injuries

• Gait disorder and amputation issues

Where can this aquatic physical therapy be practiced?

In addition to aquatic physical therapy offered at registered facilities, this therapy can also be done at an own pool or even at an aquatic exercise aerobic group near you. The choice of where to perform the exercises is all yours so find a reliable provider today and see for yourself the difference it can make to the alleviation of your chronic joint pain, we also recommend learning about medical treatments, such as cbd. CBD оіl dоеѕ show a lot of роtеntіаl fоr pain rеlіеf. Anесdоtаl evidence suggests thаt іt саn be uѕеd tо hеlр mаnаgе chronic pain іn many саѕеѕ. Make sure to check cbd site here to get all the details.

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