Combating The Dark Side Of Aquatic Therapy

young boy playing with toys in ball pit

Aquatic therapy had always been greeted with plaudit for its ability to promote physical activity with less physical pressure and vulnerability to injuries due to falling. It also has the ability to soothe patients and even make them advance into participating in adaptive water sports. All in all, it is a useful tool in improving people’s physical movement and capacity. However, there is a certain limitation to this therapy method and also do not forget that the pool is not a saint by default – carelessness can bring the devil out of it. Like, one could jump into the pool with their daily contacts still on, which is bad for the eyes. Hence, it is extremely vital to be mindful of certain risks and take necessary precautions to prevent them.


The number one infamous deeds of the water are, of course, drowning. Never be in the water alone. If your therapist went to the washroom and there is no one else to monitor you, get out of the pool. Many may think that this rule only applies to children. That’s false. Any human-being, no matter how adept in water, is susceptible to sudden dizziness or cramps. Also, be wise enough to choose the most suitable area of the pool with the most comfortable depth for you.

Do not get ambitious and go for something which is completely out of your ability. Even if you want to advance your abilities, do it progressively and with consistent monitoring. If your child is under aquatic therapy, never take your eyes off him or her. Do not depend on your therapist, lifeguard or swimming lessons to prevent drowning as these things do not “drown-proof” your child.

Pool chemicals and bacteria

According to the Fox News, about 5000 people suffer from the adverse effect of pool chemicals yearly. The solution is simple: wear goggles and never, ever swallow the pool water. Most people have the wrong conception that if the pool smells like chlorine, it is safe and clean enough to swallow. It is true chlorine can kill a lot of bacteria within a fraction of a second. However, there are some of these detestable monsters that only die a slow death after seven days. This gives these bacteria a lot of time to do some damage. Examples are Cryptosporidium (causes diarrhea distress), Giardia and Shigella. Also, excessive exposure to chlorinated water itself can cause respiratory complications. Hence, it is important to prevent yourself from swallowing the pool’s water and also wear goggles to prevent the chemicals and bacteria from infecting your sensitive eyes.

Eventual land-contextualized capability

If you’ve been under aquatic therapy for way too long, something is definitely off. One very key objective to aquatic therapy is to actually improve how you function on land. It is, in fact, a longer route towards physical improvement and acts as an extra program before you enlist yourself in a land-based physical therapy.

It is supposed to further enhance your physical capability, so that it’d be easier and smoother for you once you are actually trying to be active on land: once you’re agile enough on water, you can “graduate” to land-based therapy. After all, we humans function on land, not water. Although aquatic therapy is enjoyable, do not dwell in it for too long as it will not improve your physical capability to its maximum!

Aquatic therapy is often praised and recommended everywhere. People always have something good to say about because it is indeed awesome. However, do not be carried away into thinking that it doesn’t require any precautions or limitations just because they are rarely ever discussed. Be educated and enjoy the therapy with no risks of any mishaps!

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