How to Stick to Your Exercise Regime

young boy playing with toys in ball pit

If you are trying to lose weight or tone up, then you will need to create a healthy eating and exercise plan. Creating the plan is easy, while sticking to it can be the tough part. It is important that you stay motivated to complete the workouts in order to lose weight. This article provides some handy tips that will help you to stick to your exercise regime.

Personal Trainer

A great way to have solid fitness programs and stick to it is to hire the help of a personal trainer. A personal trainer will be able to tailor make a fitness plan according to you fitness level and goals. They will also help to provide you with some much needed motivation while you are working out. Always choose a reputable trainer so you know that they can safely and effectively help you to shed those pounds.

Set Goals

People who set goals are more likely to achieve their ideal weight. You can set goals using the SMART goal setting method. This method will help you to create strong, achievable and measurable goals. SMART stands for:

S – Specific, simple and sustainable
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T – Time (set a date that you want to complete the goal by)

Choose attainable goals that are realistic. Break down your goals down into smaller chunks so that you can achieve them quicker, as this will help to give you the motivation that you need.

Help From Friends

Friends will also help you to stick to your fitness plan and achieve your goals. Why not have a few of your close friends round for the evening and explain to them that you are looking to tone up and lose weight? They might want to join your on your fitness plan, or at the very least they will be able to provide you with some words of encouragement and give you some handy weight loss tips.

Visual Inspiration

Visual inspiration can help you to achieve your goals and remind you why you are working out in the first place. You can make a fitness plan mood board. A mood board is a collection of images that inspire you to lose weight. This can include things like pictures of fit and healthy bodies, as well as images of the beach or your next holiday destination. You can make mood boards by cutting out images in magazines and then gluing them onto a board. You can also make a digital moodboard by using sites such as Pinterest.

Reward Yourself

Finally, you can set some rewards for yourself every time that you reach one of your goals. Rewards will give you something to look forward to when you reach them. Never make these rewards food based, instead you can treat yourself to a massage, a fun day out or a new pair of shoes.

Follow the above tips and you will be well on your way to losing weight and toning up in no time. Good luck.

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