What You Should Expect Your Child’s Physical Therapist To Do

young boy playing with toys in ball pit

You have been told that your child needs physical therapy for his condition. Now, you are in search of a therapist who will help you with these sessions. If this is your first time to be in this kind of situation then you certainly will want to know about things you should expect your physical therapist to do before, during and after these therapies. Here is a list to help you with:

Expect them to provide motivation to you and your child

Physical therapists, in general, are expected to make the lives of their patients easier. Well, the same goes in the case of child physical therapists. They are expected to be joyful when it comes to serving your child’s needs, knowing that there can be a lot of downfalls in these challenging circumstances. As therapists, they should at all times make sure you and your kid can receive the motivation during these times.

Expect them to help your child who has mobility problems

As physical therapists for kids, their focus of attention must be to help your children who are undergoing musculoskeletal problems. Add to that, they must also be able to focus their attention on how they can improve situations where kid may be suffering from health conditions like traumatic brain injuries, cerebral palsy, chronic pain, scoliosis, cystic fibrosis and cancer. They must also be able to help solve developmental delays as well as movement disorders that a premature child may be suffering.

Expect them to interview you

Yes, it is part of their job to have a heart-to-heart with the family. This interview will help them understand your kid’s situation even more. They can use all pieces of information during the course of the interview in physically examining and diagnosing the real culprit to your child’s movement predicaments.

Expect them to have a treatment plan customized to your child’s needs

From the interview the therapist made with you, they can now begin thinking of how to specifically treat the patient. This then makes them go deeper into each situation on a case-to-case basis making sure that each treatment is individualized or customized according to the patient’s needs. These plans can range anywhere in between improving motor development, balance and coordination as well as helping with gait difficulties and delayed motor development.

Expect them to use their skills to help you and your child

These skills and techniques are varied depending again on the need of the patient. Commonly, techniques include physical therapy methods as well as manual manipulation, play or recreational therapy, motor learning and breathing training, burn and wound care, assistive technology and a whole lot more.

Expect them to recommend the best way on how the treatment should be done

Child physical therapists do not only look into every situation the same way they do with every patient. They always make sure that they carefully craft a plan that is best suited for each case. From this, they will recommend that you also be familiar with the session and how it is done so you can aid your children better at home.

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